NALC AFL-CIO Charles N. Coyle
5265 NE 42nd Ave Portland, OR 97218
President David H. Norton

Consolidated Casing Grievance Settled

June 4, 2020
NALC and the Postal Service have settled a national-level grievance regarding the Postal Service’s unilateral testing of Consolidated Casing.
This settlement (M-01923) requires that half of the 62 test sites to be returned to their original route structure by July 31, 2020. The remaining 31 test sites will continue through November 27, 2020.
The task force established by the memorandum of understanding, Re: City Delivery Task Force will begin analyzing data from the test sites by July 20, 2020, to determine its application to future testing. Absent joint agreement by the parties to either continue the test or to jointly conduct alternative testing in these sites, the test sites will be returned to their original route structure by January 22, 2021.. Additionally, it is agreed there will be no further expansion of this Case Consolidation Test.
The local parties will jointly work through the transition of returning routes in the test sites to their original structure. Assistance and guidance will be provided by the appropriate NALC National Business Agent (NBA) and USPS Area Manager, Labor Relations (AMLR), or their designees. Once it is determined which sites will end testing first, that information will be immediately provided to the appropriate branch president